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Jesus The Magician & The Insanity of The Apostle Paul - Robert Conner
Jesus & The Gnostics From Magic In Christianity Book with Author Robert Conner
Jesus the MAGIcian
Ghosts and Resurrection Stories in the Ancient World with Robert Conner
Jesus The Magician: Charlatan or Son of God? | Dr. Andrew Henry @ReligionForBreakfast
Jesus vs Paul: The Origins of a Religious Schism in Early Christianity | Dr. Bart D. Ehrman
Jesus the Magician? @ReligionForBreakfast @TheEsotericaChannel
Paul's Misuse of The Hebrew Bible
Did the Apostle Paul Exist? Dr. David Skrbina
Paul and Jesus: How The Apostle Transformed Christianity - Professor James D. Tabor
Was Jesus a Magician?
Understanding The Apostle Paul